To the Student
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I am waiting the new year impatiently! I am so excited about that, because all December,31 nights are exciting me. This date is the most important date in a year for me. The other important day is my birthday=) I feel very very happy these days. And now I am looking my backward about 2007. It was the nice year for me and for my family. Luckily, we didn't live bad events. Thanks God!! This year my mother and I will celebrate the new year in our home. I get ready! I bought chips, appetizers, drinks, pastries and also çiğköfte=) My plan is wathing TV, because all TV channels have nice shows. Although I prefer TRT this year, because TARKAN(my favorite megastar) will give a concert in/at (I don't know the preposition what it is) TRT.
I send all best wishes to you=) Merry Christmas and have a nice year everybody=)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
First Bayram Without Family

My Heart is Aching
My Last Holiday
Scuderia Ferrari

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
The bayram
you are from Alanya. Of course you love there. And you are very happy now because you will go there this afternoon. This is very nice. But please don't say maybe I won't come back. You should come back Hande Because you are not lonely. I am here. I will be beside you. Don't forget I love you. Hayırlı yolculuklar cnm bayramdan sonra görüşmek dileklerimle...
ayşe nur
My dear Alanya..
Monday, December 10, 2007
I want to share my nice memory with you. Four years ago, I went to Kapodokya. To travel can be enjoyable and exciting to places which we always see from postcard. Especially if you go with your the best friend. Dilara was my best friend. We went together.
Before the trip, we were excited, but not only because of happiness. Right we were happy however we were afraid. We had many nightmares about accident, about bad things. Yes it is very comic now but four years ago it was real, and we were afraid.
Our bus left to school garden at 11.00 pm. and we arrived to Kapodakya at morning. Kapodokya was really interesting place. There are many fairy chimneys, many underground cities. They were fantastic, very much. And of course Ihlara Valley. It has perfect view. When I saw it, I was amazed.
All of them were wonderful, but more wonderful thing was to be beside best friend. To share something, to feel the same things…
We have unforgettable two days, but now we don’t call to each other. We have some problems. I have new friends, she does too, but I miss her.
If you have a good friend, you should struggle in order not to lose her/him.
Ayşe Nur :(
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rihanna(Robin Rihanna Fenty) was born in Barbados, on Feb 20, 1988. She made a musical trio with two of her classmates. She won the Miss Cambermere Beauty Pageant and performed i nthe Colours of Cambermere School Show, singing Mariah carey's HERO. At the age of 15, Rihanna received her big break when one of her friends introduced her to music producer Evan Rogers, who was vacationing in Barbados. One copy of Rihanna's work was sent to Jay-Z.
Music Career:
Rihanna's debut album,Music of the Sun, was released August 30, 2005 from which, further singles were released, the first being "Pon de Replay" reached position 2 no. in both the US Billboard Hot 100, the UK Singles Chart. Since its release, the album reached the top 10 in both US and Canadian charts. The further promote the album, Rihanna toured as on opening act for Gwen Stefani.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
To understand who you are.
If you know not who you are
What's the use of learning?
The aim in learning is
To understand God's Truth.
Because without knowledge
It is wasted hard labour.
Do not say: I know it all,
I am obedient to my God.
If you know not who God is
That is sheer idle talk.
Twenty-eight syllables
You read from end to end.
You name the first `alpha''
What can it possibly mean?
Yunus Emre says also
Let me receive what I need.
The best possible thing
Is to find perfect peace.
Yunus Emre (?1238-?1320)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Culture Shock Questionnaire
Question | Name | Name |
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Looking forward to talking to you about your work.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
1001 Inventions
Use of articles: exercises
My Mistakes
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
S is my problem.
See you later..
my common mistake
My mistakes
my common mistake
my common mistake
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My Mistakes
make a cake yesterday-made a cake yesterday
the classroom more difficult-the classroom is more difficult etc.
I think,I do these mistakes when I am careless. I see that I must be more careful...
My high school graduate was an unforgettable day. I felt so excited.
Beginning of the day , I came to school. I saw all of my friends. Some students was sad, some students was happy. Our friends from later classes prepared a celebration for us, and they invited our families and some important peoples. For example, our countries headmaster of education was there.
Later, all the quest came and they sat on their seats. In the early evening the ceremony started. First off all we said our national march together, then some of our school’s managers told us and quest from lectern.Then the presenter told my name and he called me to lectern. I wrote a poem for our ceremony and it was my turn. Then I went to lectern and I read my poem to quests. They acclaimed me a lot, and I saw somebody were crying.
Later we took our yearbooks and we thrown our caps to air. While the sun was going to back of the mountains, we watched a firework display.
Finally we left from our school last time, and we went to houses. I know that, I can’t forget this day whole my life.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Muslims Heritage of 1001 Inventions
Firstly, he said that “ How I came cross this subject?”, and he started to explain. First of all, he met a person whose name is Donald Cardwell (4 Aug.1919/ 8 May 1998). Mr. Cardwell was a historian who created “history of science & industry”.They met, and they became good friends. One day Mr. Cardwell said that 1000 years about history of science & industry is empty in our books. Then, Salim Al-Hassani looked a lot of books about history then he saw an enormous space. The books starts to explain from 5th. century and they suddenly jump to 15th. century. For this reason, he started to research and his story started.Then,suddenly he became an important man.
He found a lot of information about Muslim’s inventions and a lot of scientific studies from 500 to 1500. In this ages Muslims were first class scientists. They invented more than 1000 inventions.
Especially they invented ; gunpowder, paper, fountain pen, compass, camera, numbers ( especially zero), weight driven clock and lots of important and technical inventions.
Later, Mr. Hassani talked about Muslim’s mosques and universities. Muslim’s women lectured and studied about science at mosques and universities. The first university in the world was created by Muslims, and he showed us a lot of pictures about their inventions and science. Then he talked about famous Muslim scientists and inventors, especially about Architect Sinan and Ottoman Empire
Some of the most important peoples ;
Al- Beruni ( he wrote 200 books about astronomy , math, science and faith)
Architect Sinan ( he invented wonderful techniques about architecture)
Al- Khwarezmi ( he found “zero” ) and lots of people.
At the end of the conference, he answered our questions and gave us two website addresses which are created by him.
Here are the addresses ;
Finally he smiled to all the people in the hall and he appreciated us about our patient to him.
General Feedback 1
Reading through your posts I noticed some nasty

- Capitalization at the beginning of a sentence
- Use of present and past participle "shopping makes me feel relaxed", "shopping is relaxing"
- Use of articles
- Missing verbs in sentences!
- Uses of like: "I like to buy a car", "I like eating fish"!
about conference
Mimar Sinan's innovative designs:
1)Earthquake resistance
2)Environmentally friendly
3)Min. consumantion
4)Acoustic Engineering.
Then, he said some sentences. For example:
Muslim opposite illeture,
illeture opposite scholar.
And muslim women. He told muslim women's inventions.
about conference this is his website.finally he talk to SINAN's innovative designs and give some example:
Sunday, November 18, 2007
1001 inventions
1-Six cylinder reciprocating pump: six cylinder driven individually with cams. It's powered by a large water-wheel placed in a flowing river.
2-Fountains: The fountain can change water shapes(a lily, spear and shield) at regualr intervals.
A volve that can switch out put flow by use of a warm gear driven by the flow through a water turbine.
3-Sinoli wheel: The sinoli wheel is powered through a system of gears driven b ya water-wheel. It features a fake animal.
4-Two reciprotaing pumps: Two reciprotaing pumps work alternately to drive water through one-wave valves. Pumps are powered by a large water-wheel in a flowing river.
Some words coming grom Arabic:
1-Admiral-from Amir al Bahar
2-Cotton-from Quttun
3-Mattress-from Matrah
4-Magazine-from Makzah
Muslim Contrubiution of Science(examples):
Al-Turi, Banu Mussa, Ibn battuta, Ibn Sahl, Ibn Ridwan, Ibn Sina, Al Ghazali..
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Shopping is good activity
Monday, November 12, 2007
If i have money in my pocket and i see a good thing in a showcase, i buy it right now. I agree that, I'm crazy about shopping. I like shop my friends. Because if i hesitate to buy a good thing i request some advice from my friend.
But i don't like my habit about shopping, because i spend lots of money, then i request money from my father. He says " I spent you to enough money, why are you wasteful ? " and i say " OK dad. No problem." At last i try to live penniless.
I think I should give up this habit :((
My Shopping Habits
I prefer big shopping centers in order to do shopping. Also I like grocery shopping. I love surprise
ayşe nur
Thursday, November 8, 2007
clothes shopping but this year I must go for grocery shopping because I live in İstanbul
without my family. I don't like to shop alone because if there is someone, he or she can help
me to choise and give me some suggestions. However, I dislike go shopping with my mum and friends. I am very angry and I want to kill them when they are undecided. Finally, of course everybody likes shopping and me too.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Presentation: impressions on peer assessment
Monday, November 5, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
beg him
hard life
Begging Without Poorness is Bad
I am homeless..
Speaking and Presenting Workshop
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Let's get it started