To the Student

Once a week each student is invited to write one entry. The topic is of your choice, but should be meaningful and respecting ethical values.
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Muslims Heritage of 1001 Inventions

First of all, he introduced himself to us. His name is Salim Al-Hassani, and he is a professor at Manchester University in England. He has lived in England for 27 years. His English is so good, he speaks clearly, and his body language is perfect.
Firstly, he said that “ How I came cross this subject?”, and he started to explain. First of all, he met a person whose name is Donald Cardwell (4 Aug.1919/ 8 May 1998). Mr. Cardwell was a historian who created “history of science & industry”.They met, and they became good friends. One day Mr. Cardwell said that 1000 years about history of science & industry is empty in our books. Then, Salim Al-Hassani looked a lot of books about history then he saw an enormous space. The books starts to explain from 5th. century and they suddenly jump to 15th. century. For this reason, he started to research and his story started.Then,suddenly he became an important man.

He found a lot of information about Muslim’s inventions and a lot of scientific studies from 500 to 1500. In this ages Muslims were first class scientists. They invented more than 1000 inventions.
Especially they invented ; gunpowder, paper, fountain pen, compass, camera, numbers ( especially zero), weight driven clock and lots of important and technical inventions.

Later, Mr. Hassani talked about Muslim’s mosques and universities. Muslim’s women lectured and studied about science at mosques and universities. The first university in the world was created by Muslims, and he showed us a lot of pictures about their inventions and science. Then he talked about famous Muslim scientists and inventors, especially about Architect Sinan and Ottoman Empire
Some of the most important peoples ;
Al- Beruni ( he wrote 200 books about astronomy , math, science and faith)
Architect Sinan ( he invented wonderful techniques about architecture)
Al- Khwarezmi ( he found “zero” ) and lots of people.

At the end of the conference, he answered our questions and gave us two website addresses which are created by him.
Here are the addresses ;
Finally he smiled to all the people in the hall and he appreciated us about our patient to him.


Students Journal said...

Absolutely wonderful! There is just one question I have. Can you find out more about the first university? When and where was it established?

FAYDUZ said...

There were some mistakes in the reports, however. Professor would not have said the zero was a Muslim invention as it existed before Muslims but would have said that the Muslims gave it is present numerical and mathematical function such as if you place it on the left of 1 it becomes 10 and if you multiply it by any number it still remains zero and when dividing any number by zero the result is infinity. Al-Khwarizmi did not discover the zero.

Also the missing period in question is 7th to 17th Century not 5th to 15th Century. The word Sinoli Wheel should be Sindi Wheel and Al-Turi should be Al-Tusi.

Margaret Morris, Secretary to Professor Al-Hassani

FAYDUZ said...

“A grand college mosque complex was al-Qarawiyin in Fez, Morocco. This ‘university’ was number one in Morocco and built in 859 CE by Fatima al-Fihri, a young princess. She was well educated and after inheriting a large amount from her father, who was a successful businessman, vowed to spend her entire inheritance on building a mosque/university suitable for her community in Fez. She put a design constraint on the building that all the building material should be from the same land. On the launch, she began a daily fast until the campus building was completed. It was here that Pope Sylvester II, from 999 to 1003 CE, came across Arabic numerals and the use of the zero and took them to Rome.”
For more info about the university and Fatima Al-Fihri see: 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World, ed. by. Prof. Salim Al-Hassani, Manchester: FSTC, 2006.

TrustMe said...

I'm sorry for my mistakes.
I couldn't remember the conference correctly.
But I tried to write perfect. Thanks for your interests. Besides I researched the first university and I found some information, same with Mr. Hassani's writing.

Students Journal said...

I am glad my student`s interest went that far to consult the professor`s secretary. Thank you Ms. Morris for your corrections!

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