To the Student

Once a week each student is invited to write one entry. The topic is of your choice, but should be meaningful and respecting ethical values.
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


My high school graduate was an unforgettable day. I felt so excited.

Beginning of the day , I came to school. I saw all of my friends. Some students was sad, some students was happy. Our friends from later classes prepared a celebration for us, and they invited our families and some important peoples. For example, our countries headmaster of education was there.

Later, all the quest came and they sat on their seats. In the early evening the ceremony started. First off all we said our national march together, then some of our school’s managers told us and quest from lectern.Then the presenter told my name and he called me to lectern. I wrote a poem for our ceremony and it was my turn. Then I went to lectern and I read my poem to quests. They acclaimed me a lot, and I saw somebody were crying.
Later we took our yearbooks and we thrown our caps to air. While the sun was going to back of the mountains, we watched a firework display.

Finally we left from our school last time, and we went to houses. I know that, I can’t forget this day whole my life.

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