To the Student

Once a week each student is invited to write one entry. The topic is of your choice, but should be meaningful and respecting ethical values.
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

my common mistake

Article mistakes are my common mistakes in my written assignments. Sometimes I can't be sure which is true. For example: I say that 'I am an student', but it is not true. It can be 'I am a student' This is only simple example. But article mistakes are big problem for us. Because we often use them. I don't want to make them again so I have studied it from Grammer book for a week. Also I read many example sentences.

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