To the Student

Once a week each student is invited to write one entry. The topic is of your choice, but should be meaningful and respecting ethical values.
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!

Monday, February 11, 2008

What have you learnt in writing?

According to the "can do statements" you completed, most of you know how to brainstorm, write a topic sentence, use graphic organizers, revise and edit paragraphs as well as using checklists.
We need, however, to brush up on formatting, coherence, cohesion and unity; using commas seems not to be one of your strengths, too.
Go over the chapters in your writing book that deal with areas you feel not so confident about. As we are writing essays now on, everybody needs to now the basics of paragraph writing. GOOD LUCK!

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