To the Student

Once a week each student is invited to write one entry. The topic is of your choice, but should be meaningful and respecting ethical values.
Did you have a good or bad day at school? Write about it. If you don't want to write about yourself, write about a rainy day, the streets of Istanbul or a famous person. These are just examples, of course. Feel free to express yourself!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Culture Shock Questionnaire

This is an example how you could organize your questionnaire. Get enough print outs or photocopies to include the answers of four people. I recommend you to visit the American and English culture and literature department. Avoid questions with yes/no answers.




1 How did you feel during the first months in Turkey.



Looking forward to talking to you about your work.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

1001 Inventions

Prof. Salım Al-Hassani came from Manchester University to give information about the Muslim inventions. First he talked about the between 600AD-1600AD years. He said these years are dark period. Nobody wasn’t trying to improve scientific things.And then he talked about some inventions and he show how these things are worked.

Use of articles: exercises

As our reflection on most common mistakes showed, you have problems with articles. Have a look at the link `Englishpage`. There are some useful exercises about articles. Do as many exercises as you can!

My Mistakes

I always make mistakes about was/were . I must learn past tense clearly. Because I always use ''was'' with ''we'' . Also I make mistakes about expressions. I will be careful after this time.


My general mistakes are wrong words, grammar and spelling. I should read book and be carefull. What else? Listen some lectures and write pragraph.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

S is my problem.

S is my common mistakes.For example: She hate(S).My mistakes reason is quickly writing.After that I careful about this mistake.

See you later..
I generally make mistake with articles,prepositions and possessions.I forget their usage.For example:a,in,at,of,the etc.That's way I make lots of wrong in my sentences.I sometimes make grammar mistake.
I must study them again and do the practice in some example.I must review their usage.


I made mistakes about only articles. such as: It has cinema and bowling center , it located between Ortaköy and Beylerbeyi localities , went to conference room. Correct sentences are ; it has the cineme and the bowling center , it is located...,went to the conference room.

my common mistake

Generally I make grammer mistakes. This is very important problem. Because If I want to learn English very well. I must solve this problem. If I want to solve this problem, I must do more practise and study hard. I believe solve this problem..

My mistakes

I usually make an article mistake and also my mistake is miss verb.I f I don't solve this problem,I don't learn English very well so I must do a practice about articles.

my common mistake

I usually make article mistakes a lot. It makes my English bad.I hope I won't do more mistakes about article...

my common mistake

Article mistakes are my common mistakes in my written assignments. Sometimes I can't be sure which is true. For example: I say that 'I am an student', but it is not true. It can be 'I am a student' This is only simple example. But article mistakes are big problem for us. Because we often use them. I don't want to make them again so I have studied it from Grammer book for a week. Also I read many example sentences.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Mistakes

While I am speaking,I genarally make mistakes to miss verbs.While I am writing,I try to dont miss verbs so I read my writing two or tree times.Genarally I miss 'be' because it is very short so I can't realize it's missing while I am speaking.I think its big problem because when I miss verbs ,sentences haven't any meaning I must try to remember 'be' .I must be careful while I am speaking and when I wrote something, I must read it lots of time because find mistakes is very hard job for me.


These are my general mistakes:
make a cake yesterday-made a cake yesterday
the classroom more difficult-the classroom is more difficult etc.

I think,I do these mistakes when I am careless. I see that I must be more careful...


I always don't pay attention spelling word in my written assignments. I should read a book and study hard not to do make them anymore.


My high school graduate was an unforgettable day. I felt so excited.

Beginning of the day , I came to school. I saw all of my friends. Some students was sad, some students was happy. Our friends from later classes prepared a celebration for us, and they invited our families and some important peoples. For example, our countries headmaster of education was there.

Later, all the quest came and they sat on their seats. In the early evening the ceremony started. First off all we said our national march together, then some of our school’s managers told us and quest from lectern.Then the presenter told my name and he called me to lectern. I wrote a poem for our ceremony and it was my turn. Then I went to lectern and I read my poem to quests. They acclaimed me a lot, and I saw somebody were crying.
Later we took our yearbooks and we thrown our caps to air. While the sun was going to back of the mountains, we watched a firework display.

Finally we left from our school last time, and we went to houses. I know that, I can’t forget this day whole my life.


I often make grammer mistake and I write wrong vocabulary but I solve this promblem because I learn word programme word programme can smooth with vocabulary.The other promblem solve is I should study grammer,I should listen my grammer teacher carefully but fınally I hope improve grammer and English.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Muslims Heritage of 1001 Inventions

First of all, he introduced himself to us. His name is Salim Al-Hassani, and he is a professor at Manchester University in England. He has lived in England for 27 years. His English is so good, he speaks clearly, and his body language is perfect.
Firstly, he said that “ How I came cross this subject?”, and he started to explain. First of all, he met a person whose name is Donald Cardwell (4 Aug.1919/ 8 May 1998). Mr. Cardwell was a historian who created “history of science & industry”.They met, and they became good friends. One day Mr. Cardwell said that 1000 years about history of science & industry is empty in our books. Then, Salim Al-Hassani looked a lot of books about history then he saw an enormous space. The books starts to explain from 5th. century and they suddenly jump to 15th. century. For this reason, he started to research and his story started.Then,suddenly he became an important man.

He found a lot of information about Muslim’s inventions and a lot of scientific studies from 500 to 1500. In this ages Muslims were first class scientists. They invented more than 1000 inventions.
Especially they invented ; gunpowder, paper, fountain pen, compass, camera, numbers ( especially zero), weight driven clock and lots of important and technical inventions.

Later, Mr. Hassani talked about Muslim’s mosques and universities. Muslim’s women lectured and studied about science at mosques and universities. The first university in the world was created by Muslims, and he showed us a lot of pictures about their inventions and science. Then he talked about famous Muslim scientists and inventors, especially about Architect Sinan and Ottoman Empire
Some of the most important peoples ;
Al- Beruni ( he wrote 200 books about astronomy , math, science and faith)
Architect Sinan ( he invented wonderful techniques about architecture)
Al- Khwarezmi ( he found “zero” ) and lots of people.

At the end of the conference, he answered our questions and gave us two website addresses which are created by him.
Here are the addresses ;
Finally he smiled to all the people in the hall and he appreciated us about our patient to him.

General Feedback 1

All of your blog posts are important contributions for our class to improve in writing. THANK YOU! Your posts show your instructor that you are interested in the subject and this will certainly affect your participation mark positively.

Reading through your posts I noticed some nasty PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic (bad, unpleasant) mistakes:
  1. Capitalization at the beginning of a sentence
  2. Use of present and past participle "shopping makes me feel relaxed", "shopping is relaxing"
  3. Use of articles
  4. Missing verbs in sentences!
  5. Uses of like: "I like to buy a car", "I like eating fish"!
My advise: always read and edit your writings carefully.

about conference

prof. Salım Al-Hassani came from Manchester university. He is a muslim. He told about 1001 inventions Muslim Heritage in our world. this was topic. He gave us some examples. For example: Mimar Sinan. He told about Mimar Sinan.
Mimar Sinan's innovative designs:
1)Earthquake resistance
2)Environmentally friendly
3)Min. consumantion
4)Acoustic Engineering.
Then, he said some sentences. For example:
Muslim opposite illeture,
illeture opposite scholar.
And muslim women. He told muslim women's inventions.

about conference

he talk about the history of science and industry.He showed some grafic about 600ad-1600ad and discover the muslim heritage in our world. History of science and civilisation as SHOULD BE taught.He said ''CIHAT is informatio. It's very important.'' this is his website.finally he talk to SINAN's innovative designs and give some example:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

1001 inventions

1-Six cylinder reciprocating pump: six cylinder driven individually with cams. It's powered by a large water-wheel placed in a flowing river.
2-Fountains: The fountain can change water shapes(a lily, spear and shield) at regualr intervals.
A volve that can switch out put flow by use of a warm gear driven by the flow through a water turbine.
3-Sinoli wheel: The sinoli wheel is powered through a system of gears driven b ya water-wheel. It features a fake animal.
4-Two reciprotaing pumps: Two reciprotaing pumps work alternately to drive water through one-wave valves. Pumps are powered by a large water-wheel in a flowing river.

Some words coming grom Arabic:
1-Admiral-from Amir al Bahar
2-Cotton-from Quttun
3-Mattress-from Matrah
4-Magazine-from Makzah

Muslim Contrubiution of Science(examples):
Al-Turi, Banu Mussa, Ibn battuta, Ibn Sahl, Ibn Ridwan, Ibn Sina, Al Ghazali..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Shopping is good activity

I enjoy shopping because it relaxed me . I prefer clothes shopping because I lıke to wear new things and I like buy present for somebody. Everytime I like to go shopping with my friends because I sometimes need to help.I want to ask someone’s opinion. I don’t like online shopping because it isn’t security.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I am shopping in shopping malls or in Internet. I usually prefer online shopping because online products cheaper than the other products and very much kinds are in front of me. And products are coming from my home. I don't tired and it is very comfortable I think. I usually buy shoes. I love shoes very much. Then, I buy clothes, bags, stationery products, novels. I go to shop with my mom or my best friend. Because I trust to their gustos. Certainly, all of girls likes shopping and I'm a girl:)


I like shopping so much. Specially electronic or technological things.
If i have money in my pocket and i see a good thing in a showcase, i buy it right now. I agree that, I'm crazy about shopping. I like shop my friends. Because if i hesitate to buy a good thing i request some advice from my friend.
But i don't like my habit about shopping, because i spend lots of money, then i request money from my father. He says " I spent you to enough money, why are you wasteful ? " and i say " OK dad. No problem." At last i try to live penniless.
I think I should give up this habit :((

My Shopping Habits

I like shopping because I relaxed when I do shopping.I prefer clothes shopping.I like buy new clothes but sometimes I go souvenir shops.I've never go alone the shopping.I always go with my friends.Generally I don't prefer online shopping because I like stroll all shopping centers.In my opinion,online shopping too expensive from the others


Shopping is exciting but little bit hard for me. Because I can't choose something in short time. time flies when I choose something. Genarally I do shopping with my parents. Because I don't have enough money for shopping. I like clothes shopping. And also shoes shopping. I don't prefer online shopping. Because it is not exciting and I can't try.
I prefer big shopping centers in order to do shopping. Also I like grocery shopping. I love surprise

ayşe nur

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I usually like shopping. When I am tired, under the stress or I want to stroll around somewhere, I go to the shopping centre. After the shopping, I'm relaxed. Generally I prefer

clothes shopping but this year I must go for grocery shopping because I live in İstanbul

without my family. I don't like to shop alone because if there is someone, he or she can help

me to choise and give me some suggestions. However, I dislike go shopping with my mum and friends. I am very angry and I want to kill them when they are undecided. Finally, of course everybody likes shopping and me too.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Presentation: impressions on peer assessment

The peer assessment was helpful to detect those students, who were only focused on the instructor during their presentation. In fact, they got low grades on eye contact from their peers. Sometimes grading seemed correlated with the popularity of the presenter. Over all, the students were well prepared and proved that they had learnt a lot from the presentation workshop held in the previous week.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007


It ıs another very coldd day.I am sıttıng ın front of the door.The man was lısten to musıc.I was want to help me.And ı was ask some qestıons about money because I was very hungry.He was gıve 5 dollar for food or drınk.Fınally I went to market I bougth some food after I was very happy,because bad day was finish

beg him

ıt is another very cold day.I am sitting in front of the door.He was handsome boy walking in the street.I don't have any money and really hungry.I begged him but he didn't see me

hard life

It is another very cold day. I'm sitting in front of old building. I'm feeling cold. People are walking in front of me. But anybody isn't looking at me. I'm begging now. Because I am hungry. I want to only a bread. I want only some money. I don't have anything in this world. Anybody doesn't love to me. Because I'm a begger so I always very unhappy. In fact, life is very diffucult for me...


It is another very cold day.I am sitting on the upstairs.I haven't got any money to buy some bread and I'm very hungry since two days.I hate begging for money but I must do that to continue my life.But nobody gives me some money so I am very upset.If I don't eat something I will be die in my opinion.My stomach is grumbling and my ears are freezing.Although this reasons nobody helps me.I am crying when it rains.
It is another very cold. I am sitting and I am unhappy.I need to home please! I am very hungry. Help me...


It was another very cold day.I sat in the street and I froze because weather was awful.People were walk in front of me.I begged money from the others but nobody didn't give money to me.I haven't got any money and home so I begged but people didn't look at me.Sometimes some persons gave money to me and I ate something but then my money finished again because,people didn't like me.


It ıs another cold day.I am sitting in front of the door . ıt was a cold for me .then a man was comeıng .I was hungry , durıng the day İ wan not eat anythıng . the man was listenıng musıc .I pleased to hım to gıve me money to buy eatıng .Then he dıd not give me anythıng .he told me you are lyıng me yuo ar not hungry .Then I began to cryıng that I am really hungry .I am not a bıgger just I am a homeless.after a few mınutes he belıved me. he took me to a retuarnt .Then I ate ,and I thanked hım.

Begging Without Poorness is Bad

It is another very cold day. I am sitting and I am freezing. A man is walking and he likes a rich man . I want to some money to go hotter place. But he is not looking me. Maybe he is listening music loudly or he thinks ''You are richer than me!'' but I am not. I do not want be homeless but I am a homeless . Everyone thinks homelesses are rich they beg every time and they earn lots of money but it is not true . If I have chance I do not want to beg. I am sure. I am angry to some people who begging without poorness.


It was another very cold day.I was sitting in front of the old building.Iwas colding again.Everybady didn't look me and didn't give me any money.I don't want to beg,too but I hadn't got any money.While I was begging,I become so shy.I must do it to live.While I was thinking,came a very rich man and gave me a lot of money.So I was very happy.Then,I go to the for rent a flat.I am looking for this man to say thank you.....

I am homeless..

Its another very cold day. I am sitting on street line.I am sleep near the rubbish.I hate this life.I need jobs, cheap house.Anyone helped to me.The man pass to me but he is looks rich.He dont look me!Oooh shit!

Speaking and Presenting Workshop

We had workshop about speaking and presenting. Students were really into it and had fun. After brainstorming what a presentation is they analyzed bad presentations taken from youtube. Speaker's problems were listed in pairs and solutions found...